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Majors, Minors and Options

Student holding a butterfly in the OSU arthropod collection.

Get ready for the future

A degree in biology or zoology sets you up to make a difference, whatever the path you choose. Biology majors interested in a specific sub-field can add a transcript-visible option (concentration) in one of eight areas, including ecology, marine biology and ecology, pre-medicine and pre-veterinary medicine. Zoology majors have a number of major elective areas to cater to individual interests. No matter what you choose, our undergraduate programs provides a strong foundation in critical thinking, contemporary biological knowledge, and technical skills.

Biology major

The biology majors covers the entire spectrum of biology from cells to ecosystems. The flexible and comprehensive OSU biology major is distinguished by multiple concentrations and a wide range of professionally relevant experiential opportunities, including diverse research, internships, clinical experiences and international opportunities. For example, students with a marine biology option have the opportunity to spend a term studying at the Oregon Coast at the Hatfield Marine Science Center, while pre-medical students can participate in the OSU Medical Preceptorship.

Zoology major

The zoology major focuses on the organismal biology, ecology and evolution of animals. The major provides the knowledge and skills to conserving habitats, ecosystems and species in the face of a rapidly changing environment. Zoology students can focus their studies through a variety of elective in areas such as organismal biology and physiology, ecology and evolution, and natural resources, management and policy. Zoology is also available completely online through the nationally ranked OSU Ecampus.

Our minors

Students can gain an introductory understanding of biology and marine biology by choosing a minor to couple with their major degree. Biology minor students take classes from our award-winning faculty in diverse areas of biological sciences. Marine biology minors have the opportunity to study in residence at Hatfield Marine Science Center (HSMC) in experiential courses ranging from marine and estuarine invertebrates to Pacific Northwest ecosystems.

Prepare for graduate or professional school with an honors degree

The University Honors College (UHC) provides challenging curricula and enhanced learning experiences in general education, as well as biology, zoology and other sciences. The UHC offers smaller courses taught by OSU's finest faculty and students completing the program conduct research as part of their Honors Thesis. Biology has more UHC students than any other major on campus, and the coupling of Honors with either major is an excellent preparation for graduate or professional schools.