Oregon State University and the Department of Integrative Biology offer exceptional opportunities to engage in undergraduate research. Corvallis students in any stage of their degree can participate, but generally research experiences begin after at least one successful term at OSU. Several programs focus specifically on students new to OSU, and students who engage in research can elect to participate in BI 401 Research credits that can count for their degree.
Some examples of recent undergraduate research topics include:
- Exploring iNaturalist as a Tool for Investigating Invasive Sacred Bodhi Trees in the United States
- Identification of Copepod Species Through Genetic Testing
- Aquatic Invertebrate Bio-Monitoring in Local Corvallis Streams
- Climate Change and the Affect on Californian Mussel Reproduction
- Determining Sea Urchin Return Rate after Culling Events To Identify Best Practices for Kelp Forest Restoration
- Evaluating the Growth and Reproduction of an Endangered Sea Star to Inform Species Recovery
- Effects of Social Environment and its Impacts on Acclimation
- Impacts of Summer Breeding and Age on Red Crossbill Body Condition